Cybersecurity Expert Available To Discuss Trump’s Cybersecurity Plan

By   muhammad malik
Chief Editor , Information Security Buzz | Dec 15, 2016 05:15 am PST

During the presidential campaign, Donald Trump emphasised how crucial cybersecurity would be to his administration. With only weeks until Trump is inaugurated, it is time for him to deliver on his promise to defend the USA from malicious cyber-attacks.

As a previous congressional committee member, Kirsten Bay, President and CEO of Cyber adAPT, believes that Trump’s four-part cyber security strategy isn’t nearly comprehensive enough to solve the challenges that sophisticated and motivated adversary present. Kirsten Bay, President & CEO at Cyber adapt commented below.

Kirsten Bay, President & CEO at Cyber adapt:
kirsten-bay “Kirsten Bay is redefining what it means to be a fearless leader in the technology industry, let alone an accomplished, bilingual, female executive, transforming the cyber security space. As President & CEO of Cyber adAPT, she leverages more than 25 years of experience, leading her team with risk intelligence, information management, and policy expertise across a variety of sectors.

Throughout her career, Bay has been appointed to a congressional committee developing cyber policies, initiatives and recommendations for the intelligence community, developed recommendations in partnership with the Center for North American Studies (CNAS) and Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) for The White House energy policy, collaborated on information studies for MIT-Harvard and several federal agencies, gone before a parliamentary subcommittee on recreating trust in the global economy, presented national security and critical infrastructure concepts at conferences such as Black Hat, Secured Americas, Enterprise Architecture Institute, SC World Congress, & The Eurim Information Management Committee, and has spoken on applied economics and its relationship to both cyber and national security around the world.”

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