New MysteryBot Android Malware

By   ISBuzz Team
Writer , Information Security Buzz | Jun 18, 2018 03:00 pm PST

In response to the news that cybercriminals are currently developing a new strain of malware, named MysteryBot, which is targeting Android devices and blends the features of a banking trojan, keylogger and mobile ransomware, Mark James, Security Specialist at ESET commented below.

Mark James, Security Specialist at ESET:

“This particular strain of Android malware appears to have successfully managed to show “overlay screens” on Android 7 & 8,  which could be used to either show fake logon screens over legitimate apps, or trick the user into granting permissions by masquerading screen presses as other functions. For most of these functions to happen the app itself needs to be granted access to the Accessibility service, a service mostly used by malware.

Limiting the installation of side-loading apps from outside the Play Store will limit your attack footprint and will in most cases lower your chances of being infected.

Making sure your device has a good multi-layered security product installed, is up-to-date, fully patched and always ensuring you read reviews of apps before you install them, can help to keep you safe.”

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