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Who Keeps Us Safe Online?

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The internet is a network, or web, of computers that relay packets of information to and fro. In a sense, our data is only as secure as the weakest link in that exchange chain. Just how safe is the internet and where are its points of vulnerability? More importantly, who is tasked with keeping this vast, complicated network safe from hackers, cyberterrorists, and identity thieves? We’re about to show you who keeps us safe online.

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You may be surprised to learn that the global security of the internet is actually the responsibility of a regional, not-for-profit organisation. You certainly will be fascinated to find out just how the safeguards operate that protect what amounts to the largest repository of sensitive data that has ever existed. Of course you will already be aware that included amongst this data are your personal files, bank details and many of your ‘private’ conversations.

As more and more devices connect to the internet, we urge you to start questioning just what risks we could be opening ourselves up to. Our infographic explains how the weak points of the internet can be exploited, details who is supposed to be keeping us safe online, and shows you exactly how they do this. Is it enough? Only time will tell.

online safety

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