Internet Security Hub is Unveiled to Warn Consumers of Digital Threats

By   muhammad malik
Chief Editor , Information Security Buzz | May 23, 2016 10:30 pm PST

Internet security expert McAfee has unveiled a new security hub – the “Ultimate Guide to Security Threats” – as part of a campaign to educate the general public about the increasing danger to their personal information online.

There were 5.1 million online fraud incidents and 2.5 million cybercrime offences reported in England and Wales in the last year alone. Despite this worrying level of crime online, internet security experts McAfee found that the average member of the UK public is still under-educated when it comes to protecting themselves online.

In a recent survey carried out by the internet security expert, 90% of those taking part believed their online habits were secure, this was despite 35% of them either knowing someone who had been hacked or having been hacked themselves.

McAfee also found that…

–       27.7% of people have not updated their internet security over the past 12 months.

–       Only a third of us (34.6%) read the terms and conditions when downloading an app.

–       When asked to identify a safe and secure web page, 90% of people selected an incorrect signal of safety.

–       37.8% of parents of children under 12 surveyed were not fully aware of what their children did online.

A spokesman for McAfee commented on the data and the launch of the security hub.

“Our survey revealed that there was a disparity between how safe we believe we are online, and the reality of our online situation. 90% of us believe we are secure online, despite almost a third of us having not updated our internet security in over a year, leaving those users susceptible to the worst viruses out there.”

“The security threats hub is designed to help educate people on what to look out for when online and to give them a better understanding of why being safe and secure on the web is so important”.

You can take a look at the security hub by clicking here –