At the conclusion of each calendar year, organizations and observers across all industries try to put forward predictions on what the new year might hold, and we at Thales were no exception. In the latest episode of our Thales Security Sessions podcast episode, entitled Predictions, I spoke with guest David Holmes, CTO for Application Security at Imperva, in detail about this very issue. David delivered some excellent observations on the activities and technologies that currently vie for our attention, including AI, passkeys, APTs, and ransomware. When considering all of these variables, the constant thing that kept coming back to my…
Author: Steve Prentice
Data sovereignty refers to the principle that digital information can remain subject to the laws and governance structures of the country where it is collected or stored. But this, like most things related to the cloud, is more complicated than it first appears. When organizations use cloud services, it is almost a given that when organizations use cloud services, the data will fly over borders, being bounced around through many data centers in multiple jurisdictions. This makes it challenging for organizations to know exactly where their data resides, even when the law requires that they do. For example, a company…
It takes up to 7,500 liters of water to manufacture a single pair of jeans. All the work required to soften denim to a texture that consumers will buy, as well as the addition of sandblasting to distress them to satisfy current trends, makes the product a very thirsty and environmentally unfriendly one. But who really thinks about that? No one ever associates a finished product with the resources required to make it, and the same goes for the cloud, a product that seems to have no weight or substance unto itself, save for its presence as a container for…