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Back Door Malware that Targets Skype

Back Door Malware that Targets Skype

Researchers from Palo Alto Networks have discovered a new back door malware that targets Skypeand can capture video, audio and chat messages as well as files. T9000 is being targeted at a variety of businesses  and uses a multi-stage installation process to evade detection. Tim Erlin, director of security and risk strategy for Tripwire have the following comments on it.

[su_note note_color=”#ffffcc” text_color=”#00000″]Tim Erlin, Director of Security and Product Management at Tripwire :

“As Skype becomes more and more of a tool for business, it’s no surprise that criminals are targeting it. Users may think of Skype as a valuable channel for exchanging information, but that user value translates into profit for cyber attackers. If data is the new currency, then conduits like Skype are the proverbial not-so-armored cars of the data economy. Users should note that this malware has to ask permission to access Skype, so it’s easy to thwart by just saying no.”[/su_note]

[su_box title=”About Tripwire” style=”noise” box_color=”#336588″]Tripwire is a leading provider of advanced threat, security and compliance solutions that enable enterprises, service providers and government agencies to confidently detect, prevent and respond to cybersecurity threats. Tripwire solutions are based on high-fidelity asset visibility and deep endpoint intelligence combined with business-context and enable security automation through enterprise integration. Tripwire’s portfolio of enterprise-class security solutions includes configuration and policy management, file integrity monitoring, vulnerability management and log intelligence.[/su_box]

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