Researchers from Palo Alto Networks have discovered a new back door malware that targets Skypeand can capture video, audio and chat messages as well as files. T9000 is being targeted at a variety of businesses and uses a multi-stage installation process to evade detection. Tim Erlin, director of security and risk strategy for Tripwire have the following comments on it.
[su_note note_color=”#ffffcc” text_color=”#00000″]Tim Erlin, Director of Security and Product Management at Tripwire :
“As Skype becomes more and more of a tool for business, it’s no surprise that criminals are targeting it. Users may think of Skype as a valuable channel for exchanging information, but that user value translates into profit for cyber attackers. If data is the new currency, then conduits like Skype are the proverbial not-so-armored cars of the data economy. Users should note that this malware has to ask permission to access Skype, so it’s easy to thwart by just saying no.”[/su_note]
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