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Five Security-Related New Year’s Resolutions

Five Security-Related New Year's Resolutions

Will 2016 be the year that businesses finally stop being their own worst enemies when it comes to data security? In 2015, incident after incident demonstrated that management and IT staff are largely oblivious to bad employee practices, such as the use of unsanctioned, consumer-grade file sharing apps. And, if they are aware of the behaviors, they’re often unaware of the associated risks. A Ponemon Institute  report found that more than 60 percent of C-level executives – including IT leaders – confessed to accidentally forwarding documents to people not authorized to see them and the same number acknowledged failing to delete confidential documents as required by company policies. These practices need to change in 2016 if we’re ever going to make progress on data protection. The stakes will be too high, especially as we face a growing global trend of sweeping data privacy reform.

So, what can security pros do differently in the New Year to reverse this trend of risky user behavior that opens an organization up to risk?

Here are five achievable resolutions all organizations should make in 2016 to protect confidential information:

No IT security expert has a crystal ball at his or her disposal. We can’t know everything, of course, but we can prepare for the changes and trends that we know are coming our way. Proper understanding of bad behavior by users, regulatory changes, and other IT security considerations in a rapidly evolving threat environment will give you a competitive edge in 2016. Failing to look ahead and make the necessary changes to your current IT security approach can mean less ability to prevent or respond effectively to a breach – resulting in a damaged reputation, and a diminished bottom line. These resolutions won’t protect you against every threat, but they most certainly put you in a better position for whatever comes our way in the New Year.

[su_box title=”About Daren Glenister” style=”noise” box_color=”#336588″]Daren Glenister is the Field CTO for Intralinks® Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: IL), a leading global SaaS provider of content management and collaboration solutions. In his role, he acts as a customer advocate, working with enterprise organizations to evangelize data collaboration solutions and translate customer business challenges into product requirements, helping to steer Intralinks’ product roadmap and the evolving secure collaboration market.

Glenister brings over 20 years of industry experience and leadership in security, compliance, secure collaboration and enterprise software having worked with many of the Fortune 1000 companies helping to turn business challenges into real world solutions. In the past, he has led technical and consulting businesses for CA Technologies, Symantec (Bindview), BMC Software Intellinet and Sterling Software. Follow him on Twitter: @DarenGlenister.[/su_box]

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