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Do Your Research When Considering Using the Cloud


What are the main benefits & risks associated with using cloud applications?

The main benefit of using cloud applications is scalability. Companies can add additional growth without the issues of installing and upgrading software and patch management. This is all done by the cloud provider. As a company grows, it can add capacity without adding overhead. Cloud applications also allow workers offsite to access their data and work on projects, eliminating the issue of having multiple versions on different machines.

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However, there are also risks involved in using cloud applications. Number one, if your cloud service provider goes down, no one will have access to the applications. Possibly the worst issue is a breach. Since approximately 95% of all breaches begin with an email message, it would not be far-fetched to think that an employee might have his/her credentials stolen, which would result in a hacker getting access to the employee’s cloud applications. And with any third-party vendor, companies do not have control of the vendor’s security protocols. If the cloud provider gets breached, it is possible that all of your applications in that cloud provider’s control could then be compromised. So, do your research when considering the addition of cloud computing to your company’s technology tool chest.

Allan Pratt, InfoSecurity & CyberSecurity Strategist, @Tips4Tech

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