Top 10 AI Jobs Taking Over With Automation

By   Olivia William
Writer , Information Security Buzz | Apr 12, 2023 10:36 am PST

As technology evolves, artificial intelligence is becoming more prevalent in various industries. While AI technology is designed to make our lives easier, it’s also transforming job industries and taking over human responsibilities. Here we look at automation processes that AI jobs is taking over.

Many people are concerned about Elon Musk’s prediction that computers, intelligent machines, and robots are the future workforce. As these technologies become more commonplace, they will begin to take over certain jobs and reduce the need for human labor. This could have a drastic economic impact as people will have fewer opportunities to find employment.

Approximately half of all businesses have already begun adopting some form of AI into their operations to automate processes, cut costs, and reduce staff. These changes are inevitable, yet many employees feel apprehension due to the fear that their positions may be replaced by technology within five years.

When you add this fact with other statistics, such as 49% believing people are losing their jobs because of AI. Then it becomes clear that there is cause for concern among today’s workforce about their job security in a world where robotics and AI are becoming increasingly pervasive. These stats demonstrate how people need better protection from potential job displacement driven by automation initiatives throughout business operations.

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has gained popularity and revolutionized the way businesses operate, and made tasks more accessible and more efficient. Although it also has some potential drawbacks, including job loss. While AI is not a direct threat, it does have the potential to take over some jobs in the nearest future. Here are 10 jobs that AI is already taking over:

10 Jobs That Could Disappear In The Nearest Future

1. Data Entry Clerks

AI bots currently enter data faster and more accurately than humans. Automating this monotonous job is good. AI systems can examine enormous datasets quicker and more correctly than humans. This allows AI to replace data analysts in several businesses. Data entry clerks manually enter and maintain computer
data. This is tedious and precise.

How AI Affects

  • Recent AI and automation technologies have streamlined procedures and reduced data input clerk workloads.
  • OCR technology is one way AI affects data entry clerks. OCR can digitize handwritten or printed documents for computer processing. This saves data entry clerks time and reduces errors.
  • Data entry clerks are also affected by robotic process automation (RPA). Software robots can replicate human actions to automate data entry with RPA.
  • Data entry clerks can focus on more sophisticated jobs that require human judgment with less labour.
  • AI also improves computer data accuracy and quality. AI algorithms discover flaws, inconsistencies, and missing data.
  • Data entry clerks must input accurate and full data for decision-making and analysis. Data entry clerks are still needed despite AI and automation.
  • Data entry clerks are crucial to computer data correctness and completeness.
  • Data entry clerks may need to learn new skills to adapt to changing job needs and technology.

2. Bank tellers

Online banking is replacing bank tellers. AI kiosks can deposit checks and withdraw money like human tellers. Recently, AI and automation have affected bank tellers. Bank tellers handle transactions, cash, and customers. Bank tellers offer individualized customer service that AI and automation cannot. Bank tellers may need to learn new skills to stay up with changing job requirements and banking

How AI Affects

  • AI and automation have streamlined these operations and reduced bank tellers’ workloads.
  • Chatbots and virtual assistants are harming bank teller jobs. These AI-powered applications can handle simple financial inquiries and transactions without human assistance.
  • ATMs are another way AI is affecting bank tellers (ATMs). ATMs have been around for decades, but AI and automation have improved efficiency and convenience. ATMs now accept loan payments, deposit checks, and dispense cash.
  • AI also detects fraud and prevents cyberattacks in banking. Bank tellers must protect customers’ data and finances, so this helps.

3. Customer Service Agents

Several companies handle client inquiries via chatbots and automated messaging. Bots can swiftly and efficiently answer basic questions, freeing humans to address more complicated challenges. AI and automation have significantly impacted customer service representatives. Customer service reps handle questions, complaints, and support. Customer service personnel may need to learn new skills to keep up with shifting job needs and technological advances.

How AI Affects

  • Chatbots and virtual assistants are one way AI jobs is changing customer service. These AI-powered solutions can handle simple consumer inquiries and issues without human participation. This frees customer service reps to handle more complex problems with a human touch.
  • AI has reduced customer service agents’ workloads and
  • Predictive analytics is another way AI affects customer service. Predictive analytics analyzes customer data to predict behavior and needs. This enables customer service professionals to anticipate demands and make customized recommendations.
  • AI also tracks and analyzes client sentiment. This helps customer care professionals detect client trends, patterns, and difficulties. This data can improve customer service and satisfaction.
  • Customer service representatives are still needed despite AI and automation. Customer service agents can offer individualized support that AI and automation cannot.

4. Journalists

AI writes blogs and newspaper articles. With Open AI and GPT-3, this technology’s future is uncertain. AI and automation have changed journalism. Journalists investigate leads, report news, and analyze data. AI and automation in journalism have streamlined these processes and reduced human workloads. Journalists are still needed despite AI and automation. Journalists offer human insight and critical analysis that AI and automation cannot.

How It Affects

  • NLP technology is one way AI affects journalism. NLP can spot trends and extract meaningful information from massive text volumes. This speeds up journalistic research and analysis.
  • Automated content production tools are another way AI affects journalism. Data and information fed into these systems can automatically generate news stories and articles. These tools can produce high-quality articles on particular themes and reduce journalist workload.
  • AI also analyzes social media and online content. This helps journalists spot trends and gauge public opinion. This data improves reporting and analysis.
  • Journalists may need to learn new skills to keep up with changing employment requirements and technology in media.
  • Journalists may need to learn AI and automation to better their work and productivity.

5. Bookkeepers

AI bots can categorize spending and create financial reports for bookkeepers. AI and automation have changed bookkeeping. Bookkeepers manage accounts, costs, and financial records. AI and automation have streamlined accounting operations and reduced bookkeepers’ workloads. Bookkeepers
are still needed despite AI and automation in accounting. Bookkeepers keep financial records accurate and thorough. Bookkeepers may need to learn new skills to meet employment requirements and accounting technology.

How It Affects

  • Accounting software is one way AI affects bookkeeping. Accounting software can automate bookkeeper chores, including data input, invoicing, and payroll processing. This frees bookkeepers to work on more sophisticated duties that require judgment.
  • Machine learning algorithms also affect bookkeeping. Machine learning algorithms can find financial data anomalies, errors, and patterns. This aids bookkeepers in problem-solving and financial decision-making.
  • AI is also improving financial data quality. AI systems can spot mistakes and gaps in financial data. Financial data must be accurate and thorough for decision-making and analysis.
  • Bookkeepers may need to master AI and automation solutions to boost productivity.

6. Doctor’s diagnosis

Medical scans are being interpreted by AI algorithms, which may improve diagnostic accuracy and speed. AI and automation have greatly altered medical diagnosticians. Medical diagnosticians diagnose, analyze, and interpret test results. AI and automation have streamlined these processes and reduced medical
diagnosticians’ workloads. Medical diagnosticians diagnose and treat illnesses. Medical diagnosticians may need to learn new skills to meet employment requirements and healthcare technology.

How It Affects

  • Medical imaging technology is one way AI affects medical diagnosticians. AI-powered medical imaging technologies can identify anomalies in X-rays and CT scans. This aids medical diagnosticians.
  • Predictive analytics is another way AI affects medical diagnosticians. Predictive analytics can uncover medical risks and difficulties from patient data. Medical diagnosticians can anticipate patient requirements and make individualized recommendations.
  • AI also analyzes patient data and medical records. This helps doctors spot trends and make better patient care decisions. Medical diagnosticians are still needed despite AI and automation.
  • To boost productivity, medical diagnosticians may need to learn AI and automation.

7. Retail Sales Associates

Online shopping means fewer store salespeople. AI chatbots can recommend and sell products. AI and automation have significantly impacted retail sales staff. Retail salespeople help customers, answer questions, and handle transactions. Retail sales staff are still vital despite AI and automation. Retail sales associates help customers, create relationships, and sell. But, retail sales associates may need to learn new skills to stay up with changing job needs and technology services.

How It Affects

  • Chatbots and virtual assistants are impacting retail sales associates. Chatbots help customers find products, answer inquiries, and place orders. This frees retail sales workers to work on more sophisticated tasks.
  • Recommendation engines also affect retail sales associates. Recommendation engines use consumer data and purchase history to recommend products. This helps retail sales personnel personalize recommendations and boost sales.
  • AI also optimizes inventory and supply chain management. This helps retail sales employees keep products in stock and improve customer service.
  • Retailers use AI and automation to optimize procedures and improve customers.

8. Financial analysts

AI can build financial models and analyze data faster than humans. So, financial analysts are being mechanized. AI and automation have changed financial analysts’ jobs. Financial analysts analyze data, forecast trends, and recommend investments. AI and automation in finance have streamlined these operations and improved financial analysis accuracy and speed. Financial analysts may need to learn new skills to meet employment requirements and industry technology.

How It Affects

  • Machine learning algorithms are impacting financial analyst jobs. Algorithms can find patterns, anomalies, and trends in economic data. Financial analysts can detect investment dangers and possibilities.
  • NLP technology is also affecting financial analysts’ jobs. NLP can extract important information from financial data, news stories, and earnings reports. This helps financial experts track market changes and make smarter investment decisions.
  • AI automates data entry and report production for financial analysis. This frees financial analysts to work on more complex jobs requiring judgment.
  • Financial analysts are still needed despite AI and automation. Financial analysts evaluate investment opportunities and dangers, advocate investments, and advise firms on financial decisions.
  • Financial analysts may need to master AI and automation solutions to boost productivity.

9. Travel Agents

The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is affecting various industries, including the travel industry. With the rise of AI-powered booking platforms and travel recommendation systems, the role of travel agents has been impacted. This has led to a decline in the demand for travel agents, especially for basic bookings and itinerary planning. However, many aspects of travel planning still require human expertise, such as complex itineraries, group bookings, and customized travel arrangements. Therefore, travel agents can adapt to this changing landscape by focusing on providing specialized services that leverage their knowledge, experience, and relationships with travel suppliers.

How It Affects

  • AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are becoming increasingly common, providing travelers with a personalized experience that can answer their queries and offer recommendations.
  • Moreover, some travel agencies are adopting AI tools to enhance their services and improve efficiency. For instance, AI algorithms can analyze data to identify travel patterns and preferences, which can help travel agents tailor their recommendations to their clients’ needs.
  • Travel agents can adapt by offering specialized services, leveraging AI tools to enhance their expertise, and developing a strong online presence to reach a wider audience.

10. Drivers

Drivers may be replaced by self-driving automobiles. AI and robotics have changed drivers’ jobs. Drivers may be affected by the rise of self-driving cars and trucks. Sensors, cameras, and AI algorithms let self-driving cars and trucks traverse highways. These self-driving vehicles could replace human drivers in several industries. Drivers may need to learn new skills to stay up with changing employment needs and transportation technology.

How It Affects

  • Driver assistance systems are hurting drivers’ jobs now. AI algorithms help drivers stay in their lanes, prevent collisions, and stay safe. This improves safety and efficiency but reduces human intervention.
  • AI is also optimizing transportation routes and logistics. This reduces driver demand and boosts delivery efficiency.
  • Drivers are still needed in the transportation industry despite AI and automation. Inclement weather and difficult highways require human drivers.
  • To improve productivity, they may need to master driver assistance systems and other AI techniques.

How To Prevent Artificial Intelligence From Replacing You At Work

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly evolving and is being integrated into various industries. While AI has brought about many benefits, it has also raised concerns about jobs being replaced by machines. However, there are ways to prevent AI from taking over your job. These are some steps you can take to save yourself from AI replacing you at work.

  • Stay Informed About AI Trends.

Keeping up-to-date with AI trends in your industry will help you understand how the technology is being used and how it could potentially affect your job. This knowledge can also help you identify new opportunities that AI might create, and how you could use AI to your advantage in your job.

  • Develop Relevant Skills.

AI jobs are best at performing repetitive, mundane tasks that can be easily automated. Therefore, it is vital that you develop skills that require human analysis, creativity, and problem-solving, ensuring that you bring something unique and essential to the table.

  • Collaborate with Artificial Intelligence.

AI can be a solid tool if used correctly. Instead of seeing AI as a threat, use it to enhance your skills and productivity. Learn how to collaborate with AI, and take advantage of it to automate some of your mundane tasks.

  • Focus on Customer Service and Interpersonal Skills.

Although AI jobs can perform tasks such as data processing and analysis more efficiently than humans, It is unable to equal human emotional intelligence and empathy bring to customer service. Closely working with clients and customers requires interpersonal skills, including emotional intelligence, communication, and problem-solving skills that AI lacks.

  • Future Proof Your Career

Consider the roles that will continue to be in-demand in the near and distant future. Carefully evaluate your career and skillset to determine how sustainable they will be with the integration of AI. Identify future requirements in your field and learn new techniques, trends, and tools that will keep you relevant and adaptive.


AI will continually evolve and shape the future of work in all industries. However, by staying informed, developing relevant skills, collaborating with AI, focusing on customer service, and future-proofing your career. You can save yourself from AI taking over your job. It’s essential to think positively about
artificial intelligence and recognize how it will impact your career, empowering you to adopt a proactive stance your development and growth.

As AI technology continues to expand, we can expect more ai jobs to disrupt various industries leading to a shift in the labor force. As a result, it’s paramount that workers acquire new skills to stay ahead and be prepared for these changes. It is important to embrace AI’s role in the job market to keep up with
job trends and to find the industries that are least affected by automation.

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