Google Play Store users are being warned of a malware disguised as a game which could be attacking their phones. The malware, which is said to appear as an application called “Brain Test,” has been infecting Android phones since August. Neurogadget reported that the malware may be more advanced than previously thought. Security exerts from Tripwire have the following comments on it.
[su_note note_color=”#ffffcc” text_color=”#00000″]Tim Erlin, Director of Security and Product Management at Tripwire :
“Ads appearing on you Android phone outside of a specific application are a clear warning sign that something is wrong.
The Google and Apple app stores are the primary barrier between a highly motivated criminal community and an extremely large pool of potential targets. Bypassing the vetting processes of Apple and Google is the keystone in a mobile malware campaign.
Attempts to bypass the controls of official app stores will continue. Apple and Google will have to work hard to keep up with criminals as they innovate new ways to infiltrate the treasure trove of users looking to download the latest apps.”[/su_note]
[su_note note_color=”#ffffcc” text_color=”#00000″]Craig Young, Computer Security Researcher for Tripwire :
“This sounds like another case of phone carriers and manufacturers leaving users vulnerable to attack. Unfortunately, apart from a few supported Nexus devices, Google has little to no control over the Android updates pushed to handsets. This means that information about vulnerabilities becomes public as the Android open source project receives fixes, but the vast majority of users do not receive these fixes. This allows rogue apps to take control of phones and tablets.
“Bypassing the ‘venerable’ protections of official app stores appears to be no more difficult than when I did it as part of a DEF CON presentation in 2013.”[/su_note]
[su_box title=”About Tripwire” style=”noise” box_color=”#336588″]Tripwire is a leading provider of advanced threat, security and compliance solutions that enable enterprises, service providers and government agencies to confidently detect, prevent and respond to cybersecurity threats. Tripwire solutions are based on high-fidelity asset visibility and deep endpoint intelligence combined with business-context and enable security automation through enterprise integration. Tripwire’s portfolio of enterprise-class security solutions includes configuration and policy management, file integrity monitoring, vulnerability management and log intelligence.[/su_box]
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