76 percent of consumers surveyed by Computop, planned to shop online this holiday season, but consumers varied widely on which security authentication features they would consider setting up for online purchases. 35% of the respondents of this survey said they would set up fingerprint IDs, 12 percent selected retina scans, 7 percent chose voice recognition and 2 percent noted pay by selfie, but 41 percent of total respondents said they would not choose any of the above with 26 percent of respondents concerned that their biometric data could be spoofed, and 11 percent did not trust biometric payment authentication at all. Robert Capp, VP of Business Development at NuData Security commented below.
Robert Capp, VP of Business Development at NuData Security:
“This demonstrates to us a growing understanding that using physical biometrics online have a number of vulnerabilities. Once these identifiers are online, There is a real fear that physical biometrics like selfies, fingerprints and retinal scans, That many retailers and banks are considering ands authentication methods may be riskier over the long term for consumers how have little recourse to change a fingerprint or retina should this data be stolen. Passive biometrics, on the other hand, use customer’s natural behaviors and have the benefit of being resistant to traditional threats such as data theft and consumer impersonation. In addition, passive biometrics are transparent to customers and fraudsters, meaning good customers can enjoy a frictionless customer experience.”
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