Author: Ian Pitt

As we find ourselves under lockdown for a third time, a return to the office looks unlikely for the foreseeable future. Even when businesses do begin to reopen their doors, a sizeable part of the population will continue working flexibly. Businesses must ensure their workers can access resources and collaborate with colleagues securely at all times, regardless of where they are working. The switch to a full-time remote workforce meant businesses have had to approach cybersecurity in new ways. IT teams have been met with the trials and tribulations of an employee base split between the office and the home,…

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Over the past year, the world has been through a remote working revolution. Even those businesses which didn’t previously embrace a flexible working approach were forced to send employees home as their offices shut. Since then, the IT landscape has changed drastically as changes were made to ensure operations could continue running smoothly and securely. IT teams’ response to the pandemic should be applauded, as the drastic shifts they made in short time helped to sustain ‘business as usual’ for many companies. In fact, recent research sheds light on the changes IT teams have been through over the past year, revealing…

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The coronavirus crisis has forced many companies to push ahead with digital transformation at high speed, causing many challenges for IT and security teams. Challenges include the need for extensive hardware purchases and new processes for home office work, but also connecting to the company’s own IT infrastructure and accessing files and apps that employees need. At LogMeIn, it already seems like a lifetime ago that we transitioned our nearly 4,000 employees to a full, global work from home policy for the duration of the COVID-19 situation. Most CIOs were also tasked with this challenge, but as a SaaS provider…

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Work-related stress and mental illness now accounts for over half of work absences, according to figures released by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). A further study from Kaspersky found that employees are also suffering high levels of ‘cyber stress’ in the workplace. Every day, an estimated 6.3 million data records are stolen, and with GDPR now fully in force, preventing data breaches is top on the agenda for businesses of all sizes. Employees are often encouraged to think of themselves as the first line of defence, but this places unfair pressure on staff if they’re not also equipped with…

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