Here are five tips to help you protect and secure your enterprise networks in this creepy digital world.
Author: ISBuzz Team
The perceived security threats associated with cloud services become less of an issue as businesses adopt more cloud services, according to Databarracks.
David Castañeda of Easy Solutions discusses a new man in the middle scheme, where fraudsters convince businesses their vendors’ bank info has changed.
According to a Kaspersky Lab survey, financial orgs and e-commerce don’t see the security of financial info as more important than any other business does.
Andrew Agnes, Thom Langford & Javvad Malik of Host Unknown provide some perspective on the use of cloud applications.
Out of every 10 requests Google gets asking for the removal of a link from search results, one is from the UK and most relate to Facebook and YouTube.
The largest HIPAA breach settlement this year cost a hospital and university $4.8 million in government-mandated fees.
Recently, Websense discovered that the website of Popular Science had been compromised and served malicious code.
Michael Slabodnick of SysAid Technologies feels Windows 10 could help transition large user communities into the tablet-toting workforce.
As IT budgets are likely to remain flat for the near term, CIOs will continue to look for ways to make the organization run more efficiently.