Apple is reportedly set to announce new photo identification features that will use hashing algorithms to match the content of photos in users’ photo libraries with known child abuse materials, such as child pornography. Apple’s system will happen on the client — on the user’s device — in the name of privacy, so the iPhone would download a set of fingerprints representing illegal content and then check each photo in the user’s camera roll against that list. Presumably, any matches would then be reported for human review.
Author: ISBuzz Team
BACKGROUND: The actor “m1Geelka” shared a link to a RAR archive containing manuals and tools allegedly provided to actors distributing CONTI ransomware. By sharing this toolset, m1Geelka has made these resources available to a much broader set of threat actors.
BACKGROUND: The Department of Homeland Security has formally unveiled an initiative called the Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative. The effort will initially focus on combating ransomware and cyberattacks on cloud-computing providers, said Jen Easterly, director of the DHS’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. Ultimately, she said, it aims to improve defense planning and information sharing between the government and the private sector. The U.S. government is enlisting the help of tech companies, including Inc., Microsoft Corp. and Google, to bolster the country’s critical infrastructure defenses against cyber threats after a string of high-profile attacks.
Fans around the world clamored online, and even in-person, over the past several weeks to enjoy the thrill of competition. From the Tour De France and EURO 2020 tournament in June to the recent Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo, fans were eager to cheer on their nations and make a little money in the process, too. As fans placed their wagers on individual matches through online betting sites, Imperva Research Labs noticed a suspicious rise in bot activity on both sporting and betting sites, coinciding with these global sporting events. In addition to bot-driven comment spamming and content scraping, Imperva…
BACKGROUND: It has been reported that the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) have released a new report to help systems administrators harden their Kubernetes environments and know the risks to such infrastructure. Kubernetes clusters are often deployed in public and private clouds, as they provide several flexibility and security benefits compared to traditional, monolithic software platforms. However, they are at risk from hackers looking to steal data.
BACKGROUND: In “Federal Cybersecurity: America’s Data Still At Risk”, the US Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee identified “stark” lapses in cybersecurity preparedness in seven of the eight agencies the report reviewed. Some have not implemented baseline cybersecurity practices, some have used unauthorized systems, and many used legacy systems past end of life.
BACKGROUND: As reported by Computer Weekly, the UK’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) has concluded it’s first-ever bug bounty challenge with security platform HackerOne, building on its commitment to develop a culture of collaboration around cyber security. During the 30-day challenge, the MoD invited hackers to investigate vulnerabilities in its digital assets by giving them direct access to its internal systems, which was done with the aim of helping the MoD secure and defend them from cyber attacks. The challenge follows the UK government’s publication of its integrated review of security, defence, development and foreign policy from March, in which it…
BACKGROUND: Earlier this week, the Lazo Region’s healthcare portal which is responsible for the mass vaccination program for the region surrounding Rome was struck by a cyber-attack that could potentially cause a devastating impact on the fight against COVID-19.
BACKGROUND: In light of the news that the National Lottery Community Fund has stated that two missing unencrypted disks were the cause of a data breach last month, please find comment below from cybersecurity experts.
BACKGROUND: It has been reported that a suspected hijacking of a ship in the United Arab Emirates has taken place. The incident has now been resolved, but it did see men board the vessel after its crew allegedly lost control of steering and power.