SSL expiration has been making headlines lately with Netcraft recently reporting over 200 certificates have expired in relation to the US government shutdown.
Author: ISBuzz Team
‘What 2 things are most likely to change the security industry in the next 2 years? And why?’
We will need folks who can recognize new information security and privacy risks, there is no textbook to look to as risks evolve.
One such example is to take a straw poll to understand the number of IP connected devices those in the audience have at home, for the record the most anyone has ever answered is 71 (you know who you are!).
By combining our best-of-breed privileged identity access control with Securonix’ advanced risk and threat analytics, we deliver real value
Who will get swept away and who will discover new lands? Here’s what’s happening in IAM these days and why federating the identity layer
The landscape is no longer just about “keeping the bad guys out”, but more about “catching the bad guys quickly when they’re in”, and learning from it.
Organizations will see more and more business benefits of information security which will, of course, make information security projects easier.
Security professionals are the paranoid type anyway and I’m pretty sure they questioned this before, but now their paranoia can be justified.
In response to the news that Yahoo has announced plans to encrypt all internal traffic following the National Security Agency disclosures by Edward Snowden