HTC’s latest flagship device has become the first HTCpro certified device in the U.S., pitching a broad range of business features to enterprise customers.
Author: ISBuzz Team
Apple and Google are being strongly encouraged by U.S. officials to ramp up efforts to reduce the rampant wave of smartphone-related crime sweeping the United States.
More malware is appearing on mobile devices themselves, and despite security measures such as full-device encryption, they can steal information regardless of the roadblocks that businesses put in their way, according to V-Key CTO Joseph Gan.
There was a time when the Windows PC was the computer platform that was most vulnerable to malware and hacking. Although some malicious hackers were targeting Nokia’s Symbian mobile operating system
Almost 80% of businesses had a mobile security incident in the past year, in many cases incurring substantial costs, a study has shown.
When it comes to mobile computing, many organizations either cringe at the fear of security risks or rejoice in the business potential. On one hand, mobile is revolutionizing business operations
The Guardian newspaper has exposed a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) ‘top secret’ order requiring Verizon to provide the NSA with all ‘telephony metadata’ for communications within the USA and between the USA and abroad.
As the security industry continues to grapple with a shortage in skilled professionals, particularly within very specific niches like application security, the state of security professional development continues to keep the industry locked up in a number of hotly contested debates.
After 10 years of navigating the stormy seas of an information security career, yet another major disruption recently motivated me to change employers. I find job searching painful and at times humiliating, but at least this time around I had a lot of company.
A committee of MPs has raised concerns about Huawei’s cyber security audit unit, nicknamed “the Cell”.