As reported in techradar, Apple has apparently deleted the details about the change and created more confusion. “According to reports, Apple made changes to the firmware of some of its processors in the fall of 2020 – but the alterations were reportedly never announced and apparently made mid-production. Spotted by Twitter user Andrew Pantyukhin, the changes were made to update the Secure Enclave component on the A12, A13, and S5 processors in Apple’s devices in the fall of 2020. As its name suggests, the Secure Enclave is a secure co-processor, that handles keys and other sensitive information such as bio-metrics.…
Author: ISBuzz Team
Security researcher Rajvardhan Agarwal tweeted that he dropped a “chrome 0day,” sharing a proof-of-concept (PoC) in a GitHub repository.
It’s been reported that Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility was attacked, causing a power failure at the site yesterday. According to Israeli media, the attack is rumored to have been due to an Israeli cyber attack.
Following the recent news about the half-million Huawei users downloading applications infected with Joker malware, industry leaders commented below.
Remote workers around the world have been unable to connect to Pulse Secure VPN devices after a code signing certificate used to digitally sign software components expired.
As reported by ZDNet, security vulnerabilities in millions of Internet of Things devices (IoT) could allow cybercriminals to knock devices offline or take control of them remotely, in attacks that could be exploited to gain wider access to affected networks. The nine vulnerabilities affecting four TCP/IP stacks – communications protocols commonly used in IoT devices – relate to Domain Name System (DNS) implementations, which can lead to Denial of Service (DoS) or Remote Code Execution (RCE) by attackers. Over 100 million consumer, enterprise and industrial IoT devices are potentially affected.
Cyber-security firm Darktrace has said it intends to list its shares on the London Stock Exchange, with reports showing the company is seeking to raise £3bn to fund product development. In response to this news, please see a comment from cybersecurity expert.
While there are a staggering 4 million apps across Google Play and Apple’s AppStore, all it takes is one convincing fake for your phone to fall into the hands of bad actors. In the last year, there has been a steady rise in the number of cyberattacks involving malware hiding in seemingly innocent smartphone apps. Most recently, a fake version of the social media app, ClubHouse, was reportedly spreading the BlackRock malware on Android phones, which steals credentials from 458 services – including Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Amazon. While it may be getting harder to tell the difference between fake and real, there are…
A study from the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has found millions of Brits are using their pet’s name as their online password despite it being an easy target for hackers.
Today, Europol publishes the European Union (EU) Serious and Organised Crime Threat Assessment, the EU SOCTA 2021. The SOCTA, published by Europol every four years, presents a detailed analysis of the threat of serious and organised crime facing the EU. The SOCTA is a forward-looking assessment that identifies shifts in the serious and organised crime landscape.