GDPR is without a doubt placing pressure and emphasis on the way businesses handle and manage sensitive customer data. To make things even more complicated, we have consumers driving change and demanding businesses adopt technology that influences the customer experience. The legal sector has perhaps struggled more than most to address such demands. While it is one of the most data conscious sectors, legal professionals hold an astronomical amount of sensitive and confidential data imperative to legal cases which is attractive to malicious criminals on the lookout for lucrative data. The big task for many is moving away from carrying…
Author: Stuart Sharp
Companies are rushing to update their security protocols in line with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and change the way they handle customer data to protect the personal data and privacy of EU citizens for any transaction originating in EU member states. Businesses the world over are impacted, and one industry that will need to pay close attention to data security is manufacturing. Why should manufacturers care? While GDPR is specific to Europe, it also impacts companies with a presence in the EU and organisations that handle the personal data of European citizens. Failure to comply with regulations will be costly…
Remote working has fast become commonplace in today’s business landscape. Free from the stress of the modern-day workplace, employees are increasingly keen to opt for the laptop and crack on with work uninterrupted, all from the comfort of their own home. In fact, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) last year predicted that half of the UK workforce will be working from remote locations by 2020, many of whom cited how the increased flexibility can benefit their private lives. Not all business owners are convinced. Many tech goliaths, such as HP, IBM and Yahoo, have recently rescinded the option for their employees…