White House Employees fell victim to the Syrian electronic Army’s Social Engineering attack – Their personal email accounts have been hijacked by Syrian Electronic Army.
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At Information Security Buzz, we deliver the latest cybersecurity news, featuring expert insights, industry updates, and in-depth analysis.
FireHost announced its latest web application attack statistics, which track the prevalence of four distinct types of cyberattacks that pose the most serious threat to businesses.
Sharing on social media helps hackers sharpen “spear phishing” attacks they use to trick their way into computers, security experts said Monday.
“Defense in depth,” or the layering of multiple security products is a commonly employed security strategy and best practice.
Growth in external hacking attempts, DDoS and malware attacks, and internal threats to data are the key security concerns for UK businesses.
Researchers at Securi discover Credit Card Redirection attack technique to hijack credit card data during transactions on e-commerce sites.
The House today narrowly defeated an amendment to a defense spending package that would have repealed authorization for the National Security Agency’s dragnet collection of phone-call metadata in the United States.
Turkish security researcher Ibrahim Balic now claims he was behind the attack Apple admitted to in a statement to its developer network last Thursday, July 18, saying that sensitive personal information of some 275,000 members may have been compromised.
There were a few that reported Tango got hacked not so long ago, and even though we cannot comment on this because we received no news on this we can report on Viber being attacked.
If someone hacks your computer he can cause you a lot of headaches. But he generally can’t kill you. But getting your car hacked is another story.