Facebook’s chief security officer Alex Stamos has disclosed at the Web Summit in Lisbon that Facebook uses the stolen passwords, purchased from hackers selling them on dark web marketplaces, to cross-reference them with encrypted passwords already in use on the site. He added that despite the process being “computationally heavy”, Facebook has been able to alert millions of users about resetting their vulnerable passwords to a stronger alternative, effectively ensuring users’ account and data safety. IT security experts from Prevoty, VASCO Data Security, Synopsys, Redscan, AlienVault and Lieberman Software commented below.
Kunal Anand, Co-Founder and CTO at Prevoty:
John Gunn, Vice President at VASCO Data Security:
Some may argue that paying to purchase stolen passwords will only encourage more hacking attacks just as paying ransom provides incentives for additional ransomware attacks. The truth is that the attacks are going to happen regardless and the incentive for hackers already exists. Any action that enhances protection hurts criminal hackers and makes their attacks less effective.”
Mike Ahmadi, CISSP, Global Director – Critical Systems Security at Synopsys:
Robert Page, Lead Penetration Tester at Redscan:
“The practice of purchasing stolen passwords raises some important ethical questions. By going to extended lengths to protect its own users, Facebook inadvertently puts the wider online community at risk by subsiding hackers to commit further crimes. Educating users about the importance of good cyber hygiene would likely be a better way of addressing the problem of common password use.”
Javvad Malik, Security Advocate at AlienVault:
A user may have a very strong password that meets or even exceeds the requirements at sign up. But if it is reused and hacked from elsewhere, that’s where the weakness is introduced and hence why dynamically banning passwords is needed. Currently, there is no way to determine at signup whether the password has been reused elsewhere.
Password reuse is one of the biggest issues, and it’s a tough one to overcome. The use of password managers can greatly help. Also, users should take advantage of two-step authentication where it’s available.”
Jonathan Sander, VP of Product Strategy at Lieberman Software:
Facebook measures success in large part by the number of users on the site. If they make it hard for people to get started by forcing complex passwords, they add a barrier to people joining and helping to push that key metric up. It’s a classic struggle between security and usability. Everyone knows you need good security, but how much burden do you put on the user to get it? This purchase of dark web lists of stolen passwords is likely the security folks who lost the fight to apply more controls at sign up trying to find creative ways to improve security once the user is already on and using the service.”
The opinions expressed in this article belongs to the individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Information Security Buzz.