President Trump has scrapped position of cyber security coordinator, commonly referred to as the cyber czar. Ross Rustici, Senior Director of Intelligence Services at Cybereason commented below.
Ross Rustici, Senior Director of Intelligence Services at Cybereason:
“The removal of the cybersecurity position will leave the Trump administration flat footed the next time a major cyber event does happen. In situations where minutes matter, the most prepared person in the room almost always carries the day. In a room full of decision makers with no cyber security background and a general who is in charge of fighting cyber wars, it is a foregone conclusion as to whom will have the strongest voice in the room.
“Every cyber event will become a military issue with a military solution. Regardless of the efficacy of the position or those who occupied it, the fact that the position existed demonstrated a commitment to understanding, managing, and responding to cyber threats in a way that was on par with the other major global issues of the day. The absorption of that position into someone else’s duties makes cyber outside of the military context an “other duties as assigned” mission. This will lead to a marginalization of the knowledge and strategy.”
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