Research has found an unpatched injection vulnearbiltity that could allow hackers to take over enterprise networking products from Ubiquiti networks. IT security experts from FireMon and Tenable Network Security commented below.
Paul Calatayud, CTO at FireMon:
“Most organisations are not affected by this due to the fact that this vendor is not usually associated as an enterprise system. That’s said, it’s a solid product known for being strong, in fact this is a product I have used in my past for home internet. Since these types of devices are often the first line of defense, most organisations can only protect or mitigate this by being diligent in patch management and proactive pen- testing to discover these issues on their own.”
Gavin Millard, EMEA Technical Director at Tenable Network Security:
“These flaws are significant and can lead to an attacker gaining full access to the devices. What’s concerning, in addition to the apparent usage of an incredibly old version of PHP, is the lack of a timely response from the vendor, even though the research team responsibly disclosed the vulnerability back in November 2016. Until a fix is made available, the only workaround for customers affected by this critical issue, is to restrict access to the vulnerable devices.”
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