In light of the news that The White House will be rolling out a substantial Cybersecurity National Action Plan (CNAP), Harley Geiger, Director of Public Policy, at Rapid7 have the following comments on it.
Harley Geiger, Director of Public Policy, at Rapid7:
“The President’s Cybersecurity National Action Plan aims to modernise agencies’ technology and user behaviour and we believe it is a broadly positive step forward. If implemented, the proposal will help support federal agencies that are very much in need of more secure IT to help prevent or mitigate more serious breaches. We hope Congress and the Administration will collaborate to execute this plan.
Last year, Congress made cybersecurity a clear priority as it passed a cybersecurity information sharing bill, but, as demonstrated by the President’s proposal, information sharing is only one of many actions needed to strengthen cybersecurity. The President’s plan would help address some other needed improvements, though there is still a long way to go before US national cyber defences are commensurate with today’s threat landscape.”
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