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The World’s Most Unusual Data Centers


As long as you have a good internet connection and can get online, many of us probably don’t give a lot of thought to the hubs of connectivity that drive our online world.

Whether you’re on a PC, tablet, or smartphone, chances are you rely on a series of data centers to access the websites, email, and applications you use every day. Most people spend more time researching their hosting provider than they do thinking about the tech that drives it, so it’s easy to take these hubs of connectivity and commerce for granted. But hidden among more than half a million data centers are some truly innovative and intriguing marvels of technology.

This infographic reveals that the world of data centers is way more interesting than you might have believed, and amongst the staggering number of more than 500,000 data centers, there are some highly innovative and no less fascinating wonders of technology to learn about.

A good example of this is the hosting providing Banhof, who has a data center hidden amongst the mountains of Sweden, which bears a stronger resemblance to the sort of lair that a James Bond villain would use rather than the high-tech hub that it actually is.

A former military bunker is just one of the many unusual data centers that are dotted around the globe, and some of them don’t even stay in the same place. Elliptical Mobile Solutions (EMS) has developed portable data centers that can fit into a shipping container and moved and used anywhere with ease.

The smallest country in international waters also boats an impressive floating data center. The rather unimaginatively named Sealand is located in the English Channel, and the old WW2 anti-aircraft platform enjoys some interesting hosting content options because of its location and lack of laws that apply to it.

Take a look at this list of unusual data centers, and you might give them more of a thought the next time you connect to the internet.



Global demand for connectivity is skyrocketing, and the challenges of meeting that demand require inspired data center design. As technology advances and energy needs grow, data centers around the world will look to exceptional exemplars like Bahnhof and EMS for high-tech, secure, and eco-friendly inspiration.

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