News has broken that the WWE has suffered a data breach, exposing 3 million wrestling fans’ personal details. IT security experts commented below.
Zohar Alon, Co-Founder and CEO at Dome9:
“Storing sensitive data in the cloud without putting in place appropriate systems and practices to manage the security posture is irresponsible and dangerous. A simple misconfiguration or lapse in process can potentially expose private data to the world and put an organization’s reputation at risk. We are just starting to see the repercussions of this gap now.”
Javvad Malik, Security Advocate at AlienVault:
The important thing for companies to remember is that using a cloud service comes with a shared security responsibility, it is wrong to hold onto the belief of “secure because Amazon”. Whenever a company, particularly with significant amounts of sensitive data uses the cloud, they should take a full inventory of the data, where it’s hosted, and ensure it is being protected adequately. Then on an ongoing basis, they should monitor to detect threats to ensure no breaches have occurred, or inadvertent changes have been made that expose data publicly.”
Oliver Pinson-Roxburgh, EMEA Director at Alert Logic:
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies are very flexible and there is no excuse for not implementing least privileges; it also allows for programmatic access.
Monitoring changes in cloud environments, as well as looking at hardening the cloud and performing continuous scanning of the environment is imperative.
It’s also important to think about what data you have, why you need it and more importantly where is it! Keep your attack surface area lean, monitored and only provide access to those who need it for their role. Applications that need access to data should be scanned continually for vulnerabilities in addition to using the tools provided by the cloud to limit access to just that applications core components.”
Raj Samani, Chief Scientist and Fellow at McAfee:
Organisations often have too many tools operating in silo at once and failing to communicate with each other – making it much harder to realise when systems have been subject to a breach. It is now not unusual for businesses to have over 10 security tools which require constant monitoring, meaning that human error becomes a key factor in the security of our data. Companies need to focus on building a fully integrated security system with automated monitoring in place to ensure that they are always one step ahead. Finding the right combination of people, process and technology is the key to effectively protecting the organisation’s data, detecting any threats and, when targeted, having the capability to rapidly correct affected systems.”
Ryan Wilk, Vice President at NuData Security:
“Data in the wrong hands can have a huge impact. Email addresses and password information, combined with other data on the consumer from other breaches and social media, builds a more complete profile. In the hands of fraudsters and criminal organisations, these valuable identity sets are usually sold to other cybercriminals and used for myriad criminal activities, both on the Internet and in the physical world. Using these real identities, and sometimes fake identities with valid credentials, they’ll take over accounts, apply for loans and much more. Every hack has a snowball effect that far outlasts the initial breach.
“We have hit a turning point where financial and identity cybercrime has become something that a person with the most basic computer skills can dabble in. Because of this, organisations need to rethink how they protect and identify their users in the digital world. We need to protect all consumer data, but more importantly, we need to make it valueless. Using advanced techniques like Passive Biometrics and Behavioural Analytics gives merchants and FIs a step up on the bad actors looking to monopolise this data. Understanding the user behind the device is key in effect devaluing the stolen identity data to any other person or entity.”
Salim Hafid, Product Manager at Bitglass:
Ben Herzberg, Research Group Manager at Imperva:
The opinions expressed in this article belongs to the individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Information Security Buzz.