The primary approaches used to fight cybercrime over the past several years simply aren’t effective.
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The twin trends of mobility and the cloud based business applications have rendered the traditional ‘hub and spoke’ network architecture inefficient and expensive.
London conference themed “New Era, New Edge” brings global experts together to examine assurance, risk and security
FireEye security experts discovered a new series of cyber attacks conducted by Chinese hackers targeted the US media in 2012, the attackers have improved the malware used in previous campaign against the New York Times.
Figures obtained by the Irish Examiner show the security breaches have occurred across the country over the past four years.
The need for wholesale data security training changes in healthcare evident, irrespective of whether it’s educating non-IT clinical staff members on HIPAA basics or further education for IT professionals.
David Gibson, vice president, Varonis, takes a look at how we can organise, analyse and utilise the contents of the biggest wave of human creativity that has ever engulfed the world.
When Lavabit — an email service that National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden used — suspended service last week amid hints that it had received a government demand for information
The website of The New York Times was unavailable for at least an hour on Wednesday morning, but the newspaper says the outage wasn’t due to malicious attacks, as some had feared.
The phenomenon of the Internet of Things (IoT) is positively influencing our lives by augmenting our spaces with intelligent and connected devices.