Why Crowdstrike’s focus on attackers and active defense polarizes infosec pros

By   ISBuzz Team
Writer , Information Security Buzz | Jul 18, 2013 05:17 am PST

I’ve been writing this story forever it seems, trying to arrive at a reasonable version of the truth. I’ve been sworn to secrecy, and have had so many off-the-record conversations.  I’m tempted to just leave part of this page blank as a symbolic defacement of my own work – a lulz by me, on me.

Rarely has a company been such a lightning rod for both intrigue and blowback like Crowdstrike. Welcome to the Kim Kardashian of information security.

Flush with $26 million (Series A) in funding from Warbug Pincus, and with some fanfare, Crowdstrike crawled out of a morass of security products and security consultancies in early 2012 at the RSA Conference, one of the largest information security gatherings in the world. (The conference is put on by RSA, a cryptography company acquired by EMC in 2006.)

SOURCE: pandodaily.com

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