Cybercriminals have been using a multiplayer option on Grand Theft Auto in order to infect IoT devices with a new botnet which has connections to the Satori botnet. According to a blog post by Radware researcher Pascal Geenens, the botnet uses the vulnerabilities CVE-2014-8361 and CVE-2017-17215, which affect certain Huawei and Realtek routers. Terry Ray, CTO at Imperva commented below.
Terry Ray, CTO at Imperva:
Modern DDoS mitigation technologies will create a shield in front of organization’s networks preventing the attack traffic from accessing critical resources. Our customers find that being setup in advance of suchattacks allows them to operate in a predictable environment without fear of downtime. Downtime in most organizations is measured in dollars, customers and productivity lost.
Most IoT devices have patches for known Vulnerabilities. Sadly, most IoT devices, rarely or never get patched. When was the last time you upgraded or patched your cable box, cctv, home router or access point, etc. you get the idea, most of these devices just work and as long as they continue to work most people don’t worry about them be infected, because he infection doesn’t usually interrupt the function of the device.”
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