Last week I put together a post on an easy to use encrypted e-mail service known as Voltage SecureMail Cloud.
I showed how this service allows you to send an encrypted e-mail to just about anyone without worrying about what kind of e-mail client/server they use, or fussing with the particulars of PGP versus S/MIME, and generating/buying, exchanging and installing the appropriate keys. I made the case that service from Voltage is ideal when you have to send encrypted e-mail to many different people; especially people for whom you don’t have a public key.
After I made the post however I started to wonder if there were alternatives that could also offer similar ease of use and security. Naturally, I found a few options and I thought I’d describe them briefly in this post.
I read somewhere recently that encrypted e-mails now make up less than 5% of all e-mails sent worldwide every day. That means there is a lot of data floating around out there that can be mined by those with the tools and ability to exploit it.
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