Following the news that children as young as 11 are being warped by online pornography, a security expert Raj Samani, CTO of Intel Security commented below.
Raj Samani, CTO at Intel Security:
“Today’s news from NSPCC that half of 11 to 16-year olds have seen explicit material online is yet another reminder of the potential dangers open to ‘smartphone kids’. Recent research from Intel Security found that only 40% of children aged between 5-12 years old are being supervised whilst using the internet, and over a third of parents have not made an attempt to find out what their child is doing online – worryingly leaving children to their own devices, stumbling upon this explicit content.
Unfortunately, we can’t make this content disappear and so it is down to the adults in these children’s lives – parents, relatives, teachers – to do all they can to protect their kids through both technology and communication. For example, they should have the correct parental controls in place on all connected devices their children use. In addition, there is also a need for joint discussion about online behaviour, even when it comes to the more sensitive topics like sex education online. That way, adults can then be safe in knowing they are doing all they can to protect them.
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