Steps To Planning And Implementing Identity And Access Governance

By   Dr. Muhammad Malik
InfoSec Leader & Editor-in-Chief , Information Security Buzz | Jan 04, 2023 03:10 am PST

Identity and access governance is a crucial aspect of any organization’s security strategy. It involves the management of user identities and the control of access to systems and resources. Proper identity and access governance can help prevent unauthorized access, protect sensitive data, and ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

Here, we will delve into the steps involved in planning and implementing an effective identity and access governance plan. By following these steps, organizations can safeguard their assets and protect their reputation.

Step 1: Conducting a Needs Assessment: 

Before embarking on the process of implementing identity and access governance, it is essential to understand the current state of the organization’s identity and access management. This involves identifying any weaknesses or gaps in the current system and gathering input from stakeholders, including employees, IT staff, and management.

Some questions to consider during the needs assessment phase include:

  • What are the organization’s primary security goals?
  • How are user identities currently being managed?
  • What systems and resources need to be protected?
  • Are there any compliance requirements that need to be considered?
  • How often are passwords changed, and how secure are they?
  • Is there a process in place for handling employee departures and revoking access?

By answering these questions, organizations can get a clear picture of the areas that need improvement and can tailor their governance plan accordingly. It is also important to periodically conduct needs assessments to ensure that the organization’s identity and access management practices are still aligned with its security goals and needs.

Step 2: Developing a Governance Framework: 

Once the needs assessment is complete, the next step is to develop a governance framework that outlines the roles and responsibilities of those involved in managing identity and access. This includes establishing policies and procedures for managing user accounts and permissions, setting up governance committees and teams, and defining the roles and responsibilities of those involved in the process.

Some key considerations when developing a governance framework include:

  • Defining clear policies for creating and deleting user accounts
  • Establishing procedures for granting and revoking access to systems and resources
  • Setting up committees or teams to oversee the governance process
  • Defining roles and responsibilities for different levels of access
  • Establishing a process for reviewing and updating policies and procedures

By establishing a clear governance framework, organizations can ensure that their identity and access management practices are consistent and compliant. It is necessary to review often and update the governance framework to ensure that it is still adequate and relevant.

Step 3: Implementing Identity Management Systems: 

The next step is to implement an identity management system that can handle the organization’s user identities and permissions. This involves choosing the right identity management system, setting up user accounts and permissions, and implementing multi-factor authentication to secure access further.

When selecting an identity management system, it is crucial to consider the organization’s needs and budget, as well as the system’s scalability and integration with other systems. Some key factors to consider include the following:

  • The number of users and systems that need to be managed
  • The required level of security and access control
  • The ability to integrate with other systems
  • The system’s scalability and flexibility
  • The level of support offered by the vendor

By implementing an effective identity management system, organizations can streamline their user management processes and improve security. It is necessary to regularly review and update the identity management system to ensure that it is still effective and aligned with the organization’s needs.

Step 4: Implementing Access Management:

In addition to managing user identities, organizations also need to implement access control measures to protect their systems and resources. This involves setting up access control measures, defining access levels and privileges, and implementing access request and approval processes.

Some key considerations when implementing access management include:

  • Establishing policies and procedures for granting and revoking access
  • Defining different access levels and privileges based on roles and responsibilities
  • Implementing access request and approval processes
  • Regularly reviewing and updating access control measures
  • Implementing multi-factor authentication for added security

By implementing access management measures, organizations can ensure that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive systems and resources. It is necessary to regularly review and update access control measures to ensure that they are still adequate and relevant.

Step 5: Monitoring and Reviewing: 

Implementing identity and access governance is not a one-time event – it is an ongoing process that requires regular monitoring and review. This includes regularly reviewing and updating policies and procedures, monitoring access activity to identify potential security threats, and conducting audits to ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

Some key considerations when monitoring and reviewing identity and access governance include:

  • Regularly reviewing and updating policies and procedures
  • Monitoring access activity and identifying potential security threats
  • Conducting audits to ensure compliance with relevant regulations
  • Implementing a process for handling breaches and incidents
  • Providing training to employees on proper identity and access management practices

By regularly monitoring and reviewing identity and access governance, organizations can ensure that their security measures are effective and up to date.

Step 6: Ensuring Data Privacy and Protection: 

In addition to managing user identities and access, it is also essential to consider the privacy and protection of the data being accessed. This involves implementing measures to safeguard sensitive data, such as encryption and secure storage, as well as establishing policies and procedures for handling data in accordance with relevant regulations.

Some key considerations when ensuring data privacy and protection include:

  • Implementing measures to encrypt sensitive data
  • Storing data in secure, encrypted locations
  • Establishing policies and procedures for handling data in accordance with relevant regulations, such as GDPR and HIPAA
  • Providing training to employees on proper data handling practices

By taking steps to ensure data privacy and protection, organizations can safeguard their sensitive data and reduce the risk of data breaches.

Step 7: Integrating Identity and Access Governance with Other Security Measures: 

Identity and access governance should not be viewed in isolation – it should be integrated with other security measures to create a comprehensive security strategy. This includes integrating identity and access governance with network security, cybersecurity, and physical security measures.

Some key considerations when integrating identity and access governance with other security measures include:

  • Ensuring that identity and access governance measures are aligned with overall security goals.
  • Integrating identity and access management with network security mechanisms like firewalls and intrusion prevention systems.
  • Integrating identity and access management with cybersecurity measures like antivirus software and intrusion detection systems.
  • Ensuring that physical security measures, such as access control and surveillance, are aligned with identity and access governance practices.

By integrating identity and access governance with other security measures, organizations can create a cohesive and effective security strategy.

Step 8: Incorporating Identity and Access Governance into Business Continuity Planning: 

In addition to protecting the organization’s assets and data, identity and access governance is also an important consideration in business continuity planning. This involves ensuring that the organization has the necessary systems and processes in place to maintain access to critical systems and resources in the event of a disruption, such as a natural disaster or cyber-attack.

Some key considerations when incorporating identity and access governance into business continuity planning include:

  • Ensuring that the organization has backup systems and processes in place for maintaining access to critical systems and resources
  • Establishing procedures for revoking access in the event of a disruption
  • Ensuring that access control measures are in place to prevent unauthorized access during a disruption
  • Providing training to employees on proper identity and access management practices during a disruption

By incorporating identity and access governance into business continuity planning, organizations can ensure that they have the necessary systems and processes in place to maintain access to critical systems and resources in the event of a disruption.

Step 9: Leveraging Automation and Technology: 

Organizations can utilize automation and technology to reduce operations and enhance efficiency when managing user identities and access. This includes implementing identity and access management software, as well as utilizing tools such as single sign-on (SSO) and automated password management.

Some key considerations when leveraging automation and technology include:

  • Implementing identity and access management software to streamline processes and improve efficiency
  • Utilizing tools such as single sign-on (SSO) to reduce the number of passwords that users need to remember
  • Implementing automated password management to improve password security and reduce the risk of password-related breaches
  • Utilizing automation and technology to facilitate access request and approval processes

By leveraging automation and technology, organizations can streamline their identity and access management processes and improve efficiency.

Step 10: Collaborating with Other Departments: 

Effective identity and access governance require collaboration across different departments within the organization. This includes working with HR to ensure that employee accounts and permissions are properly set up and maintained, collaborating with IT to integrate identity and access governance with other systems and technologies, and working with legal and compliance teams to ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

Some key considerations when collaborating with other departments include:

  • Creating open lines of communication and collaboration between departments.
  • Ensuring that all departments are aware of their roles and responsibilities in the identity and access governance process
  • Collaborating with HR to ensure that employee accounts and permissions are properly set up and maintained
  • Working with IT to integrate identity and access governance with other systems and technologies
  • Collaborating with legal and compliance teams to ensure compliance with relevant regulations

By collaborating with other departments, organizations can ensure that their identity and access governance practices are practical and aligned with the needs and goals of the organization.


Effective identity and access governance are essential for any organization looking to protect its assets and reputation. Using the steps outlined in this article – conducting a needs assessment, developing a governance framework, implementing identity management systems, implementing access management, and monitoring and reviewing – organizations can safeguard their systems and resources and ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

Implementing identity and access governance is not a one-time event – it requires ongoing effort and review to ensure that security measures are effective and up to date. By staying vigilant and proactive, organizations can protect their assets and reputation in the long term.

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