Exactly as predicted in January on HackerOne, a Twitter vuln that allows attackers to access phone numbers and email address associated with Twitter accounts has been used and the data is for sale on Breach Forums.
Source – RestorePrivacy.com:
Earlier today we noticed a new user selling the Twitter database on Breach Forums… The post is still live now with the Twitter database allegedly consisting of 5.4 million users being for sale. The seller on the hacking forum goes by the username “devil” and claims that the dataset includes “Celebrities, to Companies, randoms, OGs, etc.” … the owner of Breach Forums verified the authenticity of the leak and also pointed out that it was extracted via the vulnerability from the HackerOne report above.
- This is a serious threat, as people can not only find users who have restricted the ability to be found by email/phone number, but any attacker with a basic knowledge of scripting/coding can enumerate a big chunk of the Twitter user base unavailable to enumeration prior (create a database with phone/email to username connections). Such bases can be sold to malicious parties for advertising purposes, or for the purposes of targeting celebrities in different malicious activities –
HackerOne user zhirinovskiy