With the right mobile apps, organisations can fundamentally transform key business functions, but they need to be aware of the security risks involved.
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Information Security Buzz articles cover the latest cybersecurity topics, featuring thought leadership from industry leaders and experts.
John Walker discusses the need for security professionals and MP’s to rise to the challenge of curtailing the spread of child abuse images online.
The IT staff can play a crucial role in transitioning today’s workers away from old-school passwords to modern day passphrases.
Greg Mancusi-Ungaro offers three tips that corporations should take to minimize their customer’s exposure to phishing attacks following a breach.
As businesses gain more experience with the threats associated with BYOD, they’re hard-pressed to find solutions that deal with them.
It’s time to shift the conversation about PCI audits from pass/fail to considering smarter, more efficient methods of information security.
We still have a long way to go with BYOD, and there is a massive hill with regards to educating the public about using unsecured WiFi environments.
Ong Yew Chuan discusses how some have forgotten that security certifications indicate our professionalism and should therefore be treated with respect.
The latest in a string of lawsuits between businesses and their banks over alleged cyber heists is between Tennessee Electric Company and TriSummit Bank.
If you’re a CISO/CSO/Head of Information Security, building security culture should be your strategy, which means you need to make your security team known.