In response to reports from Windows Defender Security Intel that AmEx and NetFlix customers are being hit with well-crafted phishing campaigns to get their credit card information, an expert with Centripetal Networks offers thoughts.
Colin Little, Senior Threat Analyst at Centripetal Networks:
First, there are many places in the phishing kill chain for our own security intelligence, tools and TTPs to keep these malicious emails away from our user. These tools are a strong Enterprise mitigation.
Also, a security awareness program that trains users to how and why to identify phishing emails is both essential and fundamental. If our users are the broadest attack surface, their preparation for this attack is our best defense.
And if you or your users are just not sure if an email is legitimate or not, address the potential issue in a separate dialogue. Start a new email chain (such as to the Netflix help desk, in this example) using an address you obtain from the site. Address the inquiry in a different media, such as calling their vendor support line. Or, the recipient can open the applicable app (if one’s available) on their smart phone if and check their credit or account status.
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